Ok, apparently I have an issue with pacing myself. Really, I know this. I wake up and have a to-do list a mile long. I usually plan to get done in one day what should realistically take a few or more. For example, today my plans were to touch up the paint in our office. I painted it at the end of September, but circumstances beyond my control prevented me from finishing it up. I also planned to do an upper body weight work out. I wanted to bake a quiche for breakfast. Getting laundry caught up was also part of the plan (only a couple loads). In Septemeber we also bought new furniture for the office. It still sits in our garage half assembled. This was also on the agenda. Finally, I wanted to make a trip to the health food store to pick up some gluten free cookies to use in a recipe for Christmas.
It's 4:11pm and I have so far....
1.) Did my upper body weight workout
2.) Baked the breakfast quiche
3.) Washed one load of laundry (it still hasn't made it to the dryer yet)
4.) Touched up the paint in the office
Soooooo the furniture assembly and trip to the health food store still remains on the list. Depending on how late they are open I may still make it to the health food store. But, I think I have to accept that the furniture will remain as is until tomorrow. A lot of my issue is underestimating how long it will take me to complete each task. The other issue is I'd like to believe I'm She-Ra. Wonder if this is a woman thing? My partner who is of the male persuasion is much better at this type of planning.
Pictures to follow of the new and improved office.
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