Funny story from this adventure....
The first night we all struggled to sleep due to a screaming, crying baby in the adjacent room (this is not the funny part). It was so bad that we were worried the baby was there alone. We soon learned that this was not the case. The parents were just very good at tuning out their baby's needs. The next day we heard a replay of the ongoing co-motion. My wonderful husband trucked on down to the front desk and got us a new room. They let us keep the card key to the old room. So once we were settled into the new digs the boys had a brilliant idea. They wanted to exert their independance and watch t.v. w/o hovering parents in the auxiliary room. We agreed. So my husband and I are hanging out in our room sans monkey boys. The husband, being the kid that he is, decides to prank call the boys. He rings up their room. The eldest monkey boy answers....'Hi this is Bill from guest services. I wanted to ensure the room is vacant before we clean it'. On the other end he hears 'It is! *click*'. We are laughing hysterically because we know they are gonna show up instantly. I try to answer. Then we hear *knock knock knock* on the door. He opens the door to find two VERY wide eyed monkey boys. haha That was priceless.
Eating at the River Walk-esque resturant...this explains where the term of endearment 'monkey boys' comes from. AND before anyone questions...they are drinking water!
Monkey boys doing what they do best! See what I'm talking about?
Nothing says Texas Christmas like a Longhorn Santa!!!!
Ice, Ice Baby!!! Isn't he just the cutest?!? The other one is the cutest too, but he just wasn't in the frame!
Yep they are tired of pictures...note the fake smile.
That is ALL cool.
On to the next tourist trap....see these wands? Step away from the wands if you ever visit The Great Wolf Lodge. OMG....they are the ultimate rip off. But, they'll entertain the kids...
Who'da thunk it.....a waterpark indoors?!?
Indoors...not dealing with the elements! Cool, Huh?
Yep complete with exhiarating slides and all. The eldest monkey boy and I were swirling around in that green and white stripped jobbie there! Awesome fun...we had to do it twice.
Not the best picture, but this is the outside area of the tornado. The eldest monkey boy, the husband and I were out here swirling around on this. It was great fun. I can't wait to do it again.
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