He is the dog of many names. Chubby is his given name, but he also goes by Chubba-Lou, Lou-Lou Bell, Lump-a-Lou, Chubby Love, Chubby the thug and plain ole Lou (said in your best Tyler Durden voice). His very first name was Bobby. When we first adopted him he was called Wing Nut for a short period of time. All this naming I would like to mention was done without my involvement. My creativity only came in after the fact, with the additions that we now call him. To me, he's usually Chubba-Lou or just Lou. And we wonder why he doesn't come when we call him?!? Aside from just being a beagle he's probably not quite sure we're talking to him.
He is under the misguided perception that his little beagle body is not supposed to touch the floor. He sleeps on everything but the floor where a dog belongs.

On the monkey boy's Dallas Cowboy bean bag. Go Cowboys!!!

On the shelf under the old desk. Remember me mentioning my lack of cord management, you can see it here :)

In our bed as if he belongs there. I'm certain he had a little help with the covers though.

On the couch with a nice, fluffy soccer blanket for his little beagle head.

Smiling on the eldest monkey boy's bed. He's so proud of himself. He loves himself!

Ahhhhh! The life of a beagle.

Lou says 'Excuse me, but this is a little harsh on my delicate beagle body!'
What a cute dog!
well I'll be back...you mentioned Tyler Durden...
Gotta love Tyler Durden. Come back anytime...
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