Have you ever thrown someone a lifeline and they either refuse it or struggle with accepting it? I have witnessed this many times. My sister and my mother both have been offered lifelines from me in various forms and at various times. Each one has been refused. I often shook my head in disbelief.
Most recently I have offered a lifeline to a co-worker, friend. We are both on a project that is being run by people who lack even the most basic amount of integrity. There is no common goal or vision. The leaders are also unable to recognize talent, therefore unable to utilize the talent appropriately. They are of the belief that people are 'plug and play'. Any person can be replaced by another regardless of talent or skill needed for each task. People to them are just resources, numbers to report up to senior management. Along with these thoughts about their 'resources', they feel no need to provide adequate work space for them. This translates into resources being divided into 4 rooms. Each room holds 10-12 people with one phone to be shared by all. Each resource shares a square of a table, no personal effects. No where to put anything you might need throughout your work day. These are deplorable work conditions in my opinion. I'm not aware of one of my co-workers that is happy with this situation. I found a way out.
Thanks to some former co-workers pulling for me I got an opportunity out of this situation. There was one other position available. I asked my co-worker, friend if she'd be interested. Her and I had discussed ad nauseum our discontent with our current situation. She was very excited about the opportunity. We both proceeded forward...spoke to the hiring manager about our interest, applied to the requisition online, interviewed, offered the position and accepted the position. All along this process two of my former co-workers were telling the hiring manager how great we were. We both let our current manager know of our intent to leave. This is when it got interesting. Our senior management tried to put a stop to it. She tried everything to prevent us from going, but soon learned that the new manager really wanted us and he went toe to toe with her. They both had to compromise in the end. She got to keep us longer than he wanted, but we are out. We have a chance to start a new position with the same company where we have great salary and benefits. I personally couldn't be happier. I made the decision and I haven't looked back.
My co-worker, friend on the other hand has struggled with her decision ever since. Just Thursday she told me she's really considering staying and not taking the new position. I believe her after being in a team meeting with her. She is still very emotionally attached to this project. I honestly don't want her to do anything that she is not 100% sure of. Only she knows what is best for her. But, I honestly cannot fathom how this environment could be best for anybody! All of our other co-workers are completely jealous that we're getting the opportunity to move on. There is one person that is bending her ear and telling her how much they need her. He's giving her false hope in my opinion and she's buying it..hook, line and sinker! Everyone has their own path that is created by their own free will. It's just difficult for me to sit by and watch her make this decision and feel that she's messing up. But, I will. I helped provide her an option, but she most likely will chose to not take that option. I will not take it personally. Just as I have had to let go of the idea that my mother or my sister would accept any float I've thrown out to them, I will with her.
As for me....I'm outta there and couldn't be happier. I have 2 weeks left where I have to work 1/2 days on that doomed project and then I'm onto a new endeavor that at least has hope :)
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